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A Few Words About Me

My name is Lisa Gery and I'm a historical fiction author.
My work deals primarily with the themes of life, love, and death, and the point at which the three intersect.
About Me

I am the author of The Persistence of Vision, a historical novel set in 1908 that explores how the motivations and decisions of one struggling family set in motion a chain of events that will lead to a disastrous theater fire.

I live in southeastern Pennsylvania and I enjoy exploring historic houses and sites for inspiration. I grew up near Boyertown, the site of the Rhodes Opera House Fire in 1908, which partly inspired this novel.

I am delighted to do book club appearances, either in person or via Skype. Contact me at to schedule.

Click here for my blog, Morbid Curiosities.


The Persistence of Vision

Summer, 1908. Two young parents in a struggling marriage. A summer houseguest with a secretive past. The construction of a theater doomed to a fiery demise on opening night. The decisions they make will set a tragedy in motion. Every step they take will bring them closer to disaster.

StyleHistorical Fiction